Welcome to Gateways journal's latest general volume. The increasing depth and ambition of community-university engaged research and practice is demonstrated in this collection of articles which are characterised by a high degree of critical innovation and collaborative verve. Further, these efforts are global. This general volume opens with articles from South Africa, the UK, Australia, the USA, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Canada. In many of these articles, the partnerships are complex and sustained; in others, the methodologies are creative and experimental. 

Published: 2023-06-30

The Full SPECTRUM: Developing a Tripartite Partnership between Community, Government and Academia for Collaborative Social Policy Research

Jennifer E Enns, Marni Brownell, Hera J M Casidsid, Mikayla Hunter, Anita Durksen, Lorna A Turnbull, Nathan C Nickel, Karine Levasseur, Myra J Tait , Scott Sinclair, Selena Randall, Amy Freier, Colette Scatliff, Emily Brownell, Aine Dolin, Nora Murdock, Alyson Mahar, Stephanie Sinclair, the SPECTRUM Partnership

Gardening education in early childhood: Important factors supporting the success of implementing it

Rohmatin Agustina, Fitri Ayu Fatmawati, Faridah Zahriani, Putri Rahma Zulwati, Sukma Fauziah , Ifa Faridah, Tri Hartanti, Nailul Insyaroh, Heri Ardiansyah

Oral health education for school children and capacity building of local community health workers in cleft care: An experience of student-led community service in a West Java village

Erli Sarilita, Adrina Kinindya Putri, Arina Ghaida Faza, Halimah Nisrina Mulyahati, Jasmine Putri Anandita, Nadia Elizabeth Annina, Nur Aulya Hermalina, Zulharistya Prima Sahda