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Gateways invites authors to submit manuscripts that fall within the ‘Focus and Scope’ of the journal. Acceptance of an article for publication in Gateways is made on condition that authors accept the parameters described in 'About the Journal'. Submitted articles must not be under consideration elsewhere and must be previously unpublished. Copyright for articles published in Gateways is retained by the authors, with first publication rights granted to the journal. By virtue of their appearance in this open access journal, articles are free to be used, with proper attribution, in educational and other non-commercial settings.
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Research articles must be between 6000 and 8000 words in length. Please note, while this word length does not include the abstract it does include the reference list. Authors should use the Harvard style of referencing as outlined below. AI tools cannot be considered authors. Use of AI tools must be disclosed. Articles must be in English. Australian, British or American spelling is acceptable. Accepted articles will be edited to journal style, which uses Australian English. As an international journal with a broad, multilingual readership, clear, accessible language is strongly encouraged. All articles must be accompanied by an abstract of up to 300 words and a list of up to six key words.
Submission Format
Please use the typeface Arial or Times throughout your article. The main text of submissions should be typed in 1.5 spacing in a font size of 12pt. The text should be justified on the left margin only (not justified on the right). Use a single (not a double) space after full stops and other punctuation. Do not put a space in front of a question mark, or in front of any other closing quotation mark. The beginning of a new paragraph should be indicated by a space made by a double carriage return (not an indent). Insert page numbers on the bottom right hand corner of each page.
Limit headings to three levels. The first level (for the title of the paper) should be 16pt bold. The second level (for subheadings) should be 12pt bold, and if a third level is necessary use 12pt underlined text. Capitalize the first letters of words in titles and headings. Subheadings should be separated from the preceding paragraph by a space, but do not put a space before the paragraph immediately following the subheading. Footnotes, endnotes and appendices are to be avoided. Please do NOT submit compressed files. Do not use any word processing options/tools, such as strike through, hidden text, comments and merges.
All tables must be embedded in the manuscript near the first reference to the corresponding table. Tables MUST be no wider than 13.5 cm.
Multimedia files
Any images that go in the paper should be submitted as separate files. The highest quality file (for example, TIF) is preferred, up to a file size of 10MB. Additionally, the graphics must also be embedded in the correct locations within the document. Filenames for figures must be clearly labelled as Figure 1, Figure 2, etc., at the bottom of the figure, left justified, numbered in sequence, and must be referenced within the text of the article.
All videos must be hosted on established video sites such as Vimeo and YouTube. Videos should be identified in the text as Video 1, Video 2, etc. Authors must clearly include the link to the video within the article, taking care that link refers to the intended video. This link could be a text link (e.g. 'Video 1') or a still frame from the video (that is, a .GIF, .PNG or .JPG file).
Audio files must be hosted on established platforms such as Soundcloud. Audio files should be identified in the text as Audio 1, Audio 2, etc. Authors must clearly indicate the location of the link to the audio within the article. This link could be a text link (for example, 'Audio 1') or a related graphic.
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Referencing Style (Harvard)
In-text citation
In the Harvard or author-date system, a textual citation requires only the name of the author/s and the year of the publication (with no punctuation between the two items):
- One author
(Freire 1970)
- Two or three authors
(Saltmarsh & Hartley 2011) or Saltmarsh and Hartley (2011)
(Stoecker, Hilgendorf & Tryon 2009) or Stoecker, Hilgendorf and Tryon (2009)
- Four or more authors
(Wolff et al. 2017) or Wolff et al. (2017)
- Quoting
Relevant page numbers must be included in the textual reference when directly quoting from a source. Use a comma between the year and ‘p.’ or ‘pp.’.
‘Direct quote’ (Ritterbush 2019, p. 1301)
‘Long quote’ (Su 2019, pp. 87–88)
‘No page quote’ (Cruz n.d., para. 2)
Reference list
Full references must be listed in the bibliography at the end of the article. Arrange alphabetically and include all authors in the reference list. Examples of the main reference formats are as follows. For more information, please refer to: Commonwealth Department of Finance and Administration 2002, Style manual for authors, editors and printers, 6th edn, John Wiley & Sons, Milton, Queensland.
Book/Book chapter
All elements of the citation following the year of publication are separated by commas, and the citation concludes with a full stop. The title is italicised and minimal capitalisation is recommended. The information required should be present in the following order:
Author, A Year, Title, Editor/reviser/compiler/translator, Edition, Publisher, Place, Page number/s.
- One author
Tuhiwai Smith, L 2012, Decolonizing methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples, 2nd edn, Zed Books, London.
- Two or more authors
Bachrach, P & Baratz, M 1970, Power and poverty: Theory and practice, Oxford University Press, New York.
- Chapter in an edited book
Denzin, N & Lincoln, Y 1994, ‘Introduction: Entering the field of Qualitative Research’, in N Denzin & Y Lincoln (eds), Handbook of Qualitative Research, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp. 1–17.
- Sponsored by an institution, corporation or other organisation
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) 2002, Australia’s Welfare, AIHW, Canberra.
The information required should be presented in the following order:
Author, A Year, ‘Title of article’, Journal, Title of series (if applicable), issue details, page numbers. DOI.
- Journal article
Adams, T 2017, ‘Critical autoethnography, education and a call for forgiveness’, International Journal of Multicultural Education, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 79–88.
- Newspaper article
Hudson, A 2007, ‘Serbia not guilty in genocide trial’, Sydney Morning Herald, 27 February, p. 11.
- Published conference paper
Morris, M 2005, ‘Organisation, social change and the United Arab Emirates’, Social Change in the 21st Century 2005 conference proceedings, Centre for Social Change Research, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, pp. 23–44.
- Unpublished paper
Morris, M 2005, ‘Organisation, social change and the United Arab Emirates’, paper presented at the 2005 Social Change in the 21st Century conference, Centre for Social Change Research, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, 28 October.
Electronic Material
The information required should be presented in the following order:
- Webpage (individual author)
Author, editor or compiler Date of document (date of creation or most recent revision), Title of document, Description of document (if applicable), Name of the sponsor of the source, date of viewing, URL
Robinson, C & Searby R 2006, Accommodation in Crisis: Forgotten Women in Western Sydney, Shopfront Monograph Series, UTS ePress, viewed 25 March 2020,
- Webpage (organisational author)
Organisation Date of document (date of creation or most recent revision), Title of website (if different from organisation), date of viewing, URL.
Parks Canada 2021, L’Anse aux Meadows National Historic Site, viewed 25 March 2020,
- Report (organisational author)
Organisation Year, Title of report, Publisher (if different from organisation), date of viewing, DOI/URL
National Cancer Institute 2018, Facing forward: Life after cancer treatment (NIH Publication No. 18-2424), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute of Health, viewed 25 March 2020,
Author Complaints Procedure
Authors who wish to submit a complaint related to the peer review process or other editorial decisions should contact the Executive Editor as a first point of contact. Issues which cannot be resolved satisfactorily by the Executive Editor may be escalated to the journal's Advisory Board or to the Publisher, UTS ePress by contacting
For further information, please see the COPE Code of Conduct for Journal Editors and Publishers.