Cultural Studies Review
Vol. 14 No. 1 (2008): History Experiments
This issue, guest edited with Tara Forrest, focuses on thinking and writing about the past. Challenging what ‘history’ might be and how it could appear is an ongoing interest of this journal and an ongoing (sometimes contentious) point of connection between cultural studies and history. The articles in 'History Experiments' chart shifts in how we research and write the past. History has provided its own challenges to its own practices in a very robust way, while cultural studies has challenged what the past is and how it might be rendered from a wide ranging set of ideas and modes of representation that have less to do with specific disciplinary arguments than responses to particular modes (textual, filmic, sonic), particular sites (nations, Indigenous temporalities, sexuality, literature, gender) and perhaps a greater willingness to accentuate the political in the historical.
Published: 2011-04-21