Gateways is pleased to publish its fourth volume, a special edition on the theme of ‘Sustaining community-university partnerships’. It is the result of a collaboration between Gateways and the University of Brighton Community University Partnership Programme (Cupp), and is guest edited by Professor Angie Hart and Simon Northmore of Cupp. Gathered together in this volume are articles from around the world, reflecting on projects and partnerships big and small, young and more established. The articles provide us with a wealth of detailed material and identify some important characteristics of sustainable community-university partnership working, often in the context of socioeconomic disadvantage. The commitment, creativity and ingenuity on display in these articles suggests that there are many reasons for optimism when reflecting on the sustainability of community-university partnerships.

Published: 2011-11-24

Collaboration, Participation and Technology: The San Joaquin Valley Cumulative Health Impacts Project

Jonathan K. London, Tara Mirel Zagofsky, Ganlin Huang, Jenny Saklar


Building Castles Together: A sustainable collaboration as a perpetual work-in-progress

Michelle Vazquez Jacobus, Robert Baskett, Christina Bechstein


Ties That Bind: Creating and sustaining community-academic partnerships

Kynna N. Wright, Pluscinda Williams, Shekinah Wright, Eli Lieber, Steven R. Carrasco, Haik Gedjeyan


Collaboration Between Universities: An effective way of sustaining community-university partnerships?

Jonathan Pratt, Steve Matthews, Bruce Nairne, Elizabeth Hoult, Stuart Ashenden


Sustaining Community-University Collaborations: The Durham University Model

Andrew Russell, Andy Cattermole, Ray Hudson, Sarah Banks, Andrea Armstrong, Fred Robinson, Rachel Pain, Sharon Gollan, Greg Brown
