Trauma informed participatory research: Reflections on co-producing a research proposal

Main Article Content

Sarah Lonbay
Amy Pearson
Emma Hamilton
Pat Higgins
Emma Foulkes
Michelle Glascott


This article discusses the development of a co-produced research proposal. The authors reflect on the process of this work and some of the challenges that were experienced by a team who had a mix of lived, clinical and academic experience of the research topic. We highlight the need to embed trauma informed principles into co-produced research and the ways in which doing so can support the development of co-produced work. As such, the article focuses on how we established safety, choice, collaboration, trustworthiness and empowerment during the process of developing the proposal. Within this we offer our reflection on some of the challenges we experienced and our learning from undertaking this work.

Article Details

Practice-based articles (Non-refereed)
Author Biographies

Sarah Lonbay

Senior Lecturer, School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Education and Society, Sunderland University, UK

Amy Pearson

Senior Lecturer, School of Psychology, Faculty of Health Sciences and Wellbeing, Sunderland University, UK

Michelle Glascott

Nurse Consultant, Adult Acute Care, Tyne & Wear NHS Trust, Cumbria, Northumberland


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