Partnering with older adults for digital research tool development: Demystifying an engaged research process

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Natalia Balyasnikova
Sonia Martin


The inadequacy of traditional research methods, underscored by the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighted the urgent need for innovative approaches, particularly to research involving older adults. This article reflects on the complexities of establishing and sustaining research partnerships with older adults for digital research tool testing and development. The article offers an explicit report of the outreach process for holding researchers accountable and demystifying the research process.

Article Details

Practice-based articles (Non-refereed)
Author Biography

Natalia Balyasnikova, York University

Natalia Balyasnikova is an Assistant Professor at York University, Toronto, Canada. Her research explores older immigrants’ English language learning experiences in community-based settings. Namely, using narrative ethnographic methods, she merges traditional ethnographic data generation with facilitation of oral, written, and multimodal storytelling. By analyzing language learning that occurs at the intersection of ageing and immigration, her work suggests new pathways of community-based curriculum and educational policy in the context of changing demographics in Canada.


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