Introduction: Exile and Social Transformation

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Paul Allatson
Jo McCormack


This paper serves as an introduction to the special issue of Portal on exile and its potential to effect social change. The critical and creative discussions that follow this introduction respond to a particular set of problems. What factors permit and preclude exilic individual and communal transformation? Is there a need to rethink exilic agency in accord with local times, cultures and places, and to refocus attention on exile communal impacts on a host society? And, in a globalized epoch characterized by mass population movements across geopolitical lines, do states and national desires still have key roles to play in the production of exile? There are no straightforward answers to these questions, but all gesture toward the inadequacy of a single overarching definition or description of exile. Indeed, the process of exile has generated a great deal of debate regarding to whom the term exile applies and when. Furthermore, a number of unresolved issues recur in the extensive literature on the topic: the problematic location of exile and its definitional dependency on a home or homeland; the multivalent struggles to attain and maintain exilic voice, representation, memory, and identity on many fronts (individual, familial, communal, national, transnational); exile’s uneasy relation to modernity, the state, and globalization; and exile’s conceptual competition with other terms, such as diaspora, exodus, refugee and migrant. Intended as a selective reprise of these issues and the ways the contributors to this issue have responded to them, this introduction identifies some of the claims that have been made of exile as a space or mode of social transformation, as well as the possible limits of such claims.

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Ravn, Tine. Burmesiske flygtninge i Danmark: personlige narrativer omkring identitet, tilhørsforhold og integration. Unpublished PhD Dissertation, Aalborg Universitet, Denmark, 2009.

Smith, Carolyn. “Trial by Space; In Memory of My Mother.” Project Mimique (London), Feb. 27, 2008:

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Article Details

Special Issue Articles (Peer Reviewed)
Author Biographies

Paul Allatson, University of Technology Sydney

Paul Allatson is Senior Lecturer in Spanish studies and US Latino Studies at the Institute for International Studies, UTS. He completed his doctorate at the University of New South Wales (Sydney, Australia) in the area of U.S. Latino literature and culture. His research currently focuses on the resistant potential of politicised Latino cultural production, and on the place of Latinos in U.S. popular culture. He is also interested in Anglophone and Hispanophone postcolonial, transcultural, and queer theoretical traditions. He has published widely in those areas, and is the author of Latino Dreams: Transcultural Traffic and the U.S. National Imaginary (Rodopi Press, 2002).

Jo McCormack, University of Technology Sydney

Jo McCormack is Lecturer in French Studies at the Institute for International Studies, UTS. He studied European Studies at Loughborough University as an undergraduate and researched in French Studies as a postgraduate. His research examines French collective memory of the Algerian war in contemporary France; with particular emphasis on transmission of memory. His Ph.D. examined the way the Algerian war is taught in French secondary schools. He is currently working on a project entitled 'Social Activism and Collective Memory in France; Recent Renewed Efforts to Remember the Algerian War (1954-1962)'. This project examines media transmission of collective memory, with the main focus on the period since the early 1990's, as well as the work of activists - such as intellectuals and sons and daughters of the people from Algeria - in challenging dominant French narratives of the Algerian War.