Our New Cathedrals: Spirituality and Old-Growth Forests in Western Australia

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David Worth


Over the past 30 years in Western Australia (WA), there has been heated debate about the future use of the remaining karri and jarrah forests in the south-west of the State. This debate revolves around policy proposals from two social movements: one wants to preserve as much of the remaining old-growth forests as possible, and an opposing movement supports a continued

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Special Issue Articles (Peer Reviewed)
Author Biography

David Worth, Murdoch University

David Worth completed his PhD at Murdoch University, Western Australia, and is presently employed in the Research Unit at the National Native Title Tribunal. His first degree was in aeronautical engineering and he has also completed a MBA. For the past 25 years he has worked in various roles for many social change organisations in both Western Australia and the eastern States. He is the Convenor of the Sustainable Transport Coalition and a member of the International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR) and ARNOVA in the US. He has delivered papers flowing from his research at conferences of both these organisations as well as at The Australian Sociology Association. David has been appointed an honorary research associate at Murdoch University and continues his undergraduate teaching there in Sociology and Community Development.