Continuing the Limited Authority of the Majelis Rakyat Papua; a Missed Opportunity

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A. Sakti R.S. Rakia
Hermanto Suaib
Kristi W. Simanjuntak


The Papuan People's Assembly (Majelis Rakyat Papua-MRP) is a cultural representation of the Papuan people, which has an important role in protecting the rights of the Papuan people in the fields of customs and culture, empowering women, and religious harmony. So far, the authority of the MRP is quite limited because it is not supported by a strong legislative function. In 2021, the Papua Special Autonomy Law, which has been in effect since 2001, underwent significant changes. In this study, we conclude that the amendment to the Special Autonomy Law for Papua does not reflect the aspirations of the Papuan people, especially the consideration of strengthening the MRP institution. We also provide several reasons why the MRP institution should be strengthened so that changes to the Papua Special Autonomy Law can benefit the province of Papua.

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