Disinformation Society, communication and cosmopolitan democracy

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Jonathan Paul Marshall


This paper argues that ‘fake news’ is endemic to ‘information society’ as a whole, not just the internet or news media. It is part of daily experience, generated by established patterns of communication, social group categorisation, framing, and patterns of power. These disruptions are intensified  though interacting with the dynamics of information capitalism, which values strategic effectiveness more than accuracy. Assuming democratic cosmopolitan society must have good communication, this paper explores the factors which produce obstacles to such communicative processes, as the patterns which support bad communication and disinformation must be understood before they can be dealt with.

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Author Biography

Jonathan Paul Marshall, University of Technology Sydney

Currently a Future Fellow, in the social and political sciences group in FASS at the University of Technology Sydney. Researches technology and disorder, climate technologies, the study of online life, and the history of science and the occult.


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