Cosmopolitan Civil Societies: An Interdisciplinary Journal is concerned with developing a better understanding of social change and cultural cohesion in cosmopolitan societies. Its focus lies at the intersection of conflict and cohesion, and in how division can be transformed into dialogue, recognition and inclusion. The Journal takes a grounded approach to cosmopolitanism, linking it to civil society studies. It opens up debate about cosmopolitan engagement in civil societies, addressing a range of sites: social movements and collective action; migration, cultural diversity and responses to racism; the promotion of human rights and social justice; initiatives to strengthen civil societies; the impact of ‘information society’ and the context of environmental change.

This journal does not charge any type of article processing charge (APC) or any type of article submission charge.


Call for Papers - Indigenous Knowledges and Cosmopolitanism


This special issue of Cosmopolitan Civil Societies takes up this challenge. Its focus is on indigenous knowledges, as they are understood in their own societies and as they are represented in the majority culture. It considers government policies and local efforts to share the knowledge of First Nations people in the context of civil society; it explores the implementation of indigenous law and justice; it examines the ways in which indigenous culture and art are shared in a society; it investigates how indigenous documents and artefacts become part of a national heritage; and it documents efforts to maintain and expand the use of indigenous languages.

The deadline for submission is 30 January 2025.

Publication vol. 17 no. 3, December 2025

Please click on the title to read the full CfP.

Vol. 16 No. 3 (2024)

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