Distance is no hurdle: Reforming the family violence exception to better protect immigrant women in rural, regional and remote communities

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Khanh Hoang


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This article considers the impact of migration laws on immigrant women in rural, regional and remote communities (RRR communities) who are victims of family violence. The Migration Regulations 1994 (Cth) (‘the Regulations’) includes a ‘family violence exception’ that allows for the grant of permanent residency to women who hold a temporary partner visa in circumstances where the relationship with the Australian sponsor has broken down due to family violence. However, the Regulations impose strict procedural and evidentiary requirements for making a family violence claim. These laws disproportionately impact those in RRR communities by failing to account for their isolation, lack of access to services and particular vulnerabilities. As a result, immigrant women in RRR communities are restricted in their ability to access the family violence exception.

This article calls for reform of the Regulations to address the locational disadvantages faced by immigrant women in RRR communities. Building on the work of the Australian Law Reform Commission, it argues for the repeal of the provisions governing evidentiary requirements for ‘non-judicially determined’ claims of family violence. In its place, it is suggested that there should be no restrictions on the types of evidence that can be provided. In addition, all non-judicially determined family violence claims would be referred to an ‘independent expert panel’ for assessment. The independent expert panel should include, at a minimum, a number of community legal centres (CLCs) and family violence centres (FVCs) around Australia. CLCs and FVCs are leveraging technology — such as Skype and teleconferencing — and integrated service responses to provide access to justice to those in RRR communities.

Article Details

Author Biography

Khanh Hoang, ANU Migration Law Program, ANU College of Law

Khanh is an Associate Lecturer in the ANU Migration Law Program where he researches in the areas of migration and refugee law. Khanh holds a LLB (Hons) and BEc from the ANU. His honours thesis focussed on mechanisms for improving refugee regional cooperation and protection. Khanh has spent time at the UNHCR and as a Legal Officer at the Migration and Refugee Review Tribunals. Khanh has also previously worked at the Australian Law Reform Commission. In 2012, Khanh led migration areas of the ALRC’s Family Violence and Commonwealth Laws Inquiry. The Inquiry recommended a number of reforms to Australia's migration laws to better support victims of family violence. The report has resulted in reforms to the evidentiary requirements for making a family violence claim.


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