A new article, authored by Andrea Wallace and Brian Dollery (University of New England, Australia) has been published in the International Journal of Rural Law and Policy titled:
'Local Voices on forced mergers in small rural Australian communities: The case of the Guyra Shire Council'
The symposium will examine the efficacy of current laws, policy and practice relating to rural crime, and the criminal justice response. The objective is to identify what works and what does not, and seek ways to improve practice by all stakeholders in rural Australia. The conference will provide a valuable forum for a comprehensive exchange of ideas, skills and information for academics, police, lawyers, magistrates, environmentalists, community leaders, government agencies and policy makers as well as farmers and agribusiness companies.
Participants can opt to have their papers considered for the IJRLP special edition on Rural Crime. For details, check the symposium webpage or flier:
https://www.une.edu.au/rural-law-conferenceRural Crime and the Law flier