Developing a Global Soil Regime

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Ben Boer
Ian Hannam


From the 1960s onwards, the global community became more aware of the phenomena of air and water pollution. More recently, the issues of climate change, loss of biodiversity, desertification, drought, and land degradation have become more prominent. While biodiversity loss and climate change have garnered close attention, issues of land degradation and sustainability of soils has attracted less focus in international fora and by national governments. We argue here that soil, as a vital biological and cultural resource, demands attention on the same level as biological diversity and climate change, and that this should be reflected in both international law and in legislation at national level. This article explores the elements that could form the basis of a global instrument for the conservation and sustainable use of soil, and sets out the premise for the community of nations to support the negotiation and drafting of such an instrument. It does so in light of the recent discussion on the introduction of a provision in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals on the achievement of zero net land degradation, the revision of the World Soil Charter as well as the work of the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food. It also briefly explores other complementary mechanisms that can be used for promoting the sustainable use of soils.

Article Details

Author Biographies

Ben Boer, University of Sydney Wuhan University IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law

Emeritus Professor

Distinguished Professor RIEL

Deputy Chair

Ian Hannam, AgLaw Centre UNE IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law

Adj Associate Professor

Co-Chair, Sustainable Soil and Agriculture Specialist Group


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