Autofrictions: The Fictopoet, the Critic and the Teacher

Main Article Content

Dominique Hecq


This paper investigates the literal, metaphorical and ideological implications of ‘hybrid’ texts/genres for criticism in general, and for the workshopping of creative work in particular. The question underlying this investigation concerns the place of poetic discourse in fictocriticism. This is consonant with my understanding of genre as ‘index and mark’ representing ‘the site of the nonsubstitutable positioning of the I and the you and of their modalities of expression’ and of poetic discourse as ‘an unsettling process … of identity of meaning and speaking subject’.

Article Details

New Writing (Peer Reviewed)
Author Biography

Dominique Hecq, University of Melbourne

Dominique Hecq is an honorary research fellow in the School of Creative Arts at the University of Melbourne, where she teaches creative writing and psychoanalysis. Her latest book of fiction is Noisy Blood, Papyrus, 2004.