The Crypt, the Haunted House, of Cinema

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Alan Cholodenko


As we know, it is a cliché that what we see on the screen is ghosts, phantoms, spectres. What I propose in this essay is that that cliché be taken seriously—do I dare say it, ‘deadly’ seriously—be given rigorous analytic attention for its relevance to the thinking of cinema and its senses, while at the same time acknowledging that even the finest account must come face to face with the ‘fact’ that there is no ghostbuster, not even the analyst/theorist of cinema, not even the Marxist analyst/theorist of cinema, so powerful as to master, defeat and eradicate the spectre of cinema. It is a key premise of this essay that not only is the spectre a privileged subject of film but that it would be the ur figure of cinema, if cinema could have an ur figure, if the spectre could be an ur figure, a figure not only operating at every second at every level in every aspect of every film but also at the level of the cinematic, or rather animatic, apparatus of film, hence at the level of film ‘as such’.

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Articles (Peer Reviewed)
Author Biography

Alan Cholodenko, University of Sydney

ALAN CHOLODENKO is former Senior Lecturer in Film and Animation Studies in the Department of Art History and Theory at the University of Sydney, where he now holds the title of Honorary Associate. He is the editor of The Illusion of Life 2: More Essays on Animation, Power Publications, Sydney, forthcoming, 2004.