Ethics, Morality and the Formation of Cultural Studies Intellectuals

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Gary Wickham


This article is not so much concerned with the history of cultural studies as with the way in which aspects of its history are used in forming a particular type of cultural studies intellectual, one for whom ethics is subsumed into a morality directed to the necessity of engaging in a politics of empowerment. The article’s concern, this is to say, is to problematise the taken-for-grantedness of this type of intellectual, something it seeks to do through a genealogy (in something like the Foucaultian sense of that term), or at least the outline of a genealogy.

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Author Biography

Gary Wickham, Murdoch University

GARY WICKHAM is Associate Professor of Sociology at Murdoch University. His recent books are Understanding Culture: Cultural Studies, Order, Ordering, co-authored with Gavin Kendall (Sage, 2001); Rethinking Law, Society and Governance: Foucault’s Bequest, co-edited with George Pavlich (Hart, 2001); and Using Foucault’s Methods, co-authored with Gavin Kendall (Sage, 1999).