The Recall of Modernity:Anthropological Approaches

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Bruno Latour


What has happened to the project of ‘symmetrical anthropology’ in the last twenty years? What difference does it make to consider a multiplicity of cultures over the background of a unified nature, or a multiplicity of natures in addition to a multiplicity of cultures? In which way does it open up another type of scientific anthropology, no longer based on comparison but on ‘diplomacy’? Can modernity, as an interpretation of the former West, be recalled?

Translated by Stephen Muecke.

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Author Biography

Bruno Latour, Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris

Runo Latour is professor at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris. His latest book is Bruno Latour and Pasquale Gagliardi (eds), Les atmosphères de la politique, with articles by P. Descola, F. Jullien, P. Sloterdijk, I. Stengers, et al. (Les Empêcheurs de Penser en Rond/Seuil, Paris, 2006).