Archaeology for Whose Interpretation?: Finding Space for Alternative Archaeology in Indonesia

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Irmawati Marwoto-Johan


To date, archeological research has been widely conducted in Indonesia. The results of this research, however, are not widely known by the public because they are merely meant for archeologists. This leads the public in some instances to interpret archeological remains in their own neighborhoods. This public need of archeology could be promoted through archeological research being delivered to the public though exhibitions, museums or archeological sites. This article presents a discussion of Indonesian archeologists’ problems of authority, the growth of Alternative Archeology as a ‘challenge’ to mainstream archeology and the implications Alternative Archeology has for the broader community.

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Public History in Indonesia (PEER REVIEWED)
Author Biography

Irmawati Marwoto-Johan, Departement Archeology, University of Indonesia

Departement Archeology, University of Indonesia


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