Sense or Nonsense?: New Zealand Heritage Leglislation in Perspective

Main Article Content

Greg Vossler


This article provides an overview of the current legislative ‘landscape’ that shapes the nature of historic heritage protection and management in New Zealand. It identifies some of the principal laws that impinge on historic heritage and outlines the purpose and principles, administrative processes, protective measures and offences and enforcement provisions associated with each of these statutes.

Article Details

Author Biography

Greg Vossler, Ministry for the Environment

Greg Vossler is currently employed as a Senior Adviser with the New Zealand Ministry for the Environment. He is a qualified planning and heritage practitioner and has extensive experience in the areas of resource and historic heritage management. During the last seventeen years he has been involved in historic heritage policy development at local and central government levels as well as providing strategic heritage related advice to private sector organisations, local heritage trusts, local authorities and central government agencies.