Is project management the new management 2.0?

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Steve A Leybourne
Roger Warburton
Vijay Kanabar


This paper considers the evolving nature of project management (PM) and offers a comparison with the evolving nature of management generally. Specifically, we identify a number of management trends that are drawn from a paper that documents a proposed ‘Management 2.0’ model, and we compare those trends to the way in which PM is maturing to embrace the challenges of modern organizational progress.

Some theoretical frameworks are offered that assist in explaining the shift from the historically accepted ‘tools and techniques’ model to a more nuanced and behaviorally driven paradigm that is arguably more appropriate to manage change in today’s flexible and progressive organizations, and which provide a more coherent response, both in PM and traditional management, to McDonald’s forces. In addition, we offer a number of examples to robustly support our assertions, based around the development of innovative products from Apple Inc. In using this metaphor to demonstrate the evolution of project-based work, we link PM with innovation and new product development.


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Research Articles (PEER REVIEWED)
Author Biographies

Steve A Leybourne, Boston University

Steve Leybourne is internationally recognized as one of the world’s leading authorities on improvised work in project management. His research activities focus on the use and misuse of improvisational working practices, particularly in project-based work, and the location of project management within the wider academic landscape. A well-known lecturer in entrepreneurship, innovation, and project and change management, Steve has presented at conferences such as the PMI® Research Conference and the Academy of Management, winning “best paper” awards at AoM2006 in Atlanta, Georgia, and from the International Management Development Association in 2010. He has been a leading manager for several international banking institutions and has published in a variety of journals, including the Journal of Change Management, the International Journal of Management Concepts & Philosophy, and the two leading project management journals in the field, the International Journal of Project Management and the Project Management Journal.


Roger Warburton, Department of Administrative Sciences, Boston University

Roger Warburton’s research focuses on the practical challenge of inventory control. He publishes and lectures internationally about domestic manufacturing, challenging the obsession with manufacturing everything offshore. He teaches courses in supply chain management and project management, both in the classroom and online. Previously, Roger was the MIS director for Griffin Manufacturing, helping transform an apparel manufacturer from a simple cut-and-sew facility into a 21st century operation with a global supply chain and domestic manufacturing supported by international outsourcing. Before that, he was vice president of the Software Technology Division of Jaycor, directing the technical analysis of very large information systems.

Vijay Kanabar, Boston University


Vijay Kanabar has unique expertise spanning both business practices and computer science. A certified project management professional, he has advised numerous organizations on training and technology needs, including Blue Cross Blue Shield, Staples, United Way, and Fidelity Investments. Vijay is an internationally published scholar and is recognized by local and national media as an authority on IT project management, electronic commerce, and information security.


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