The Commonwealth Local Government Forum: An Overview

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Lucy Slack


The Commonwealth Local Government Forum (CLGF) was established in 1994, coinciding with rapid moves towards decentralisation at that time, especially in Commonwealth Africa. It uniquely brings together national associations of local government and individual councils, ministries responsible for local government, and training and research institutes with an interest in local government, on a common platform. This reflects an understanding that local government needs effective central government and vice versa if decentralisation is to be truly successful, and that research, training and practice need to be brought together in a constructive and creative way.

CLGF’s developmental work can be divided into three main categories:

  • Promotion and advocacy of local democracy and good governance
  • Exchange of experience
  • Capacity building 
This article provides a brief overview of the activities and projects which CLGF has underway in respect of these objectives. It will be complemented by more detailed papers on specific programmes and projects in this and future issues of the Commonwealth Journal of Local Governance.

Article Details

How to Cite
Slack, L. (2008). The Commonwealth Local Government Forum: An Overview. Commonwealth Journal of Local Governance, (1), 133-136.
Policy and Practice
Author Biography

Lucy Slack, Commonwealth Local Government Forum

Lucy Slack is a Senior Policy Adviser with the Commonwealth Local Government Forum.