Digital Construction led Growth Asymmetries in Europe: The need for Collaborative Culture

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Georgios Kapogiannis
Panagiotis Palaios
Anil Sawhney


This study delves into the exploration of asymmetries in the field of Digital Economics (DE) and specifically, within the digital construction sector, unraveling intricate relationships that guide its evolutionary journey. To unveil the complex relationship between GDP growth rates and Digital Construction (DC) we leverage the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), employing a panel dataset encompassing 27 European Union (EU) countries over the period 2017-2022. As a foundational tool for our empirical analysis, we perform Quantile via Moments regression, thus introducing this novel methodology to digital construction research. The findings reveal a consistent and statistically significant positive impact of DC on GDP growth rates, across the entire spectrum of economic conditions, but the effect is more pronounced at the upper quantiles of output. This result implies that stronger economies can use more efficiently the benefits of the Digital Construction compared to the weaker economies, thus signaling the need of the latter for structural reforms, to improve the integration rate of digitalization in the construction sector. The pronounced influence of the Human Capital component of DC underscores the pivotal role of nurturing human skills to effectively integrate digital construction techniques into infrastructure development, within a collaborative culture.

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How to Cite
Kapogiannis, G., Palaios, P., & Sawhney, A. (2024). Digital Construction led Growth Asymmetries in Europe: The need for Collaborative Culture . Construction Economics and Building, 24(1/2).
Articles (Peer reviewed)
Author Biographies

Georgios Kapogiannis, Oryx Universal College

Dr. Georgios Kapogiannis is specializing in digital innovation in construction engineering and project management. Currently a Senior Lecturer in Management at AFG with the University of Aberdeen (Qatar Campus) and the University of Aberdeen (UK), he also holds honorary and visiting position at Idaho State University (USA). With a career beginning in Greece's Ministry of Education, Dr. Kapogiannis has been a driving force in digital transformation globally, holding two patents and leading major research projects in the UK, China, USA and Qatar. He has taught at top institutions like Warwick and Nottingham (China Campus), supervising numerous postgraduates and contributing to leading journals, solidifying his role as a mentor and innovator in his field.

Panagiotis Palaios, Deree - The American College of Greece

Panagiotis Palaios is an Assistant Professor in Economics of the School of Business and Economics at Deree – The American College of Greece. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Mphil in Economics, MA in International Relations and Strategic Studies. His research activities focus on modelling asymmetric behavior in macroeconomic variables and public goods (defence). Formerly, he served as a Financial and Supply Officer of the Hellenic Navy, up to the rank of Lieutenant Commander, in various positions, among them as Head Economic Advisor to the Deputy Minister of National Defence (2019-2022). Some of his research articles appear in the Scottish Journal of Political Economy, Empirical Economics and Defence and Peace Economics.

Anil Sawhney, Knowledge and Practice Directorate Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors

Anil Sawhney is the Global Lead of the Construction and Infrastructure Sector at the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). Anil is a construction and infrastructure sector expert, an educator, a researcher, and a Construction tech enthusiast. He is involved in producing the construction and infrastructure sector’s body of knowledge, standards, guidance, practice statements, education, and training. Dr. Sawhney is also an Adjunct Faculty at Columbia University, Visiting Professor at Liverpool John Moores University in the UK, and an adjunct faculty at the University of Southern California. Anil has a rich mix of academic, research, industry, and consulting experience gathered in the USA, India, Canada, the UK, and Australia. In 2020, he co-authored a book entitled “Construction 4.0-Innovation Platform for the Built Environment.” He is currently the co-editor of the Construction Innovation Journal. Dr. Sawhney serves on the international editorial board of the ICE Infrastructure Asset Management journal and the Journal of Information Technology in Construction.