The Transcultural Edge

Main Article Content

Ilaria Vanni


Critical writing about transculturation has a long history in Latin American studies, and more recently the concept has been used to analyse the effects of globalization. This article takes as its point of departure the Latin American genealogy of the idea, and brings it together with the ecological notion of ‘edge’ intended as a transition area between different systems. By bringing transculturation and edge together this paper seeks to understand transculturation as a process in which human and non-human entities participate.

It does so curating five cultural works written at the edge of academic practices, and spanning several countries, cultural formations and genres.

Article Details

Curated Works: The Transcultural Edge
Author Biography

Ilaria Vanni, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Technology, Sydney

Ilaria Vanni is a Senior Lecturer in the School of International Studies at the University of Technology Sydney.