The IT project manager competencies that impact project success – A qualitative research

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Cíntia Cristina Silva de Araújo
Cristiane Drebes Pedron


Since there is a lack of studies about the relationship of IT project manager competencies and project success, this paper will address the following research question: Which competencies should IT project managers develop in order to achieve success in IT projects? To answer this question, we conducted a qualitative research with an exploratory approach. To collect data, twelve (12) in-depth interviews were done with Brazilian project managers from different companies from several business sectors. The analysis results pointed out that for our respondents the most needed category of competencies are team management, business domain knowledge,  communication, project management and people skills. As other authors have affirmed, technical skills were considered to be less relevant to project success than interpersonal and intrapersonal competencies.

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Research Articles (PEER REVIEWED)
Author Biographies

Cíntia Cristina Silva de Araújo, University Nove de Julho - São Paulo - Brazil

Student at University Nove de Julho - São Paulo - Brazil, in Professional Masters Program on Project Management

Cristiane Drebes Pedron, University Nove de Julho - São Paulo,Brazil

PhD in Administration. Teaches on PhD and Master Programs at University Nove de Julho, São Paulo, Brazil


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