Managing regional innovation strategy projects

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Patricia Wolf
Christoph Hanisch


This paper presents a qualitative interview study with 28 RIS project managers that aimed at understanding whether or not this is true in the context of regional innovation and what the specifics of managing regional innovation projects are. In taking up a recent claim for policy intervention studies which allow to “derive precise suggestions for their design and management”.  The study investigated the interrelation between the agility of the management approach and the achievements of RIS projects. Findings raise serious issues concerning methodological approaches for the management of regional innovation projects and question whether the recent public funding mechanisms can lead to sustainable project results.

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Research Articles (PEER REVIEWED)
Author Biographies

Patricia Wolf, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Patricia Wolf is professor in innovation management and head of the Future Lab “Creative Living Lab” at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, as well as head of research of the University’s Institute of Management and Regional Economics. She is also a private lecturer in the Department of Management, Technology, and Economics at ETH Zurich. Her major research interests focus on knowledge transformation in innovation processes in regions, organisations and interdisciplinary teams.

Christoph Hanisch, Institute of Management and Regional Economics, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.

Christoph Hanisch studied geography, economics, statistics, spatial planning and spatial development at the University of Zurich and the ETH Zurich. Since 2000, he is employed as senior researcher and lecturer at the Institute of Management and Regional Economics at the management department of Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. He is teaching research methodologies. He has extensive experience in researching innovation processes, regional development and public facilities.


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