Captain Cook Chased a Chook

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Katrina Schlunke


How can we write the contemporary 'histories' of Captain Cook when they include such textual and material diversity? When that diversity ranges from children's rhymes to convenience stores as well as journals now claimed as iconic documents of the enlightenment? How might the insights of Bruno Latour into how the 'experimental' is produced in the laboratory be helpful in showing how Cook is produced in a settler culture? How does revealing the 'experimental' (the material and textual ethnography) of history show us new ways of 'doing' history that engages with its textual as well as its material diversity.

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Author Biography

Katrina Schlunke, University of Technology Sydney

Katrina Schlunke is a senior lecturer in Writing and Cultural Studies at the University of Technology, Sydney. Her monograph Bluff Rock: Autobiography of a Massacre was published in 2005 and she is co-editor of Cultural Studies Review.


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